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Institutional Core Requirements

General Goals of the Ashland University Core Curriculum

Our University's institutional mission articulates four key elements: those of intellectual development, ethical development, civic engagement, and global and intercultural competence.

For students to develop intellectually means to think critically with regard to their futures as human beings, as employees and citizens. In terms of our liberal arts core, the development of these skills is best measured in terms of critical thinking skills. As such, the Core seeks measurable student learning outcomes in the areas of critical thinking skills, analytical reasoning, problem solving and written communication skills. These outcomes are measured differently in each Core area, but are focused on ensuring that Ashland University students are acquiring the competencies needed to succeed in the 21st Century Workforce.

Transferring in Core Courses

Campus Undergraduate Transfer Students

Transfer students are defined as those who attended another institution of higher education after high school graduation. Post-secondary student credit transfer will be applied to the student’s academic record based on standard course equivalencies.  CLEP, AP, and military credits will be applied to the student academic record based on university guidelines.

  1. For students transferring to Ashland University, course credits from other institutions will be evaluated by the Registrar, in consultation with department chairs and the Core Director.

  2. All matriculated undergraduate students must complete more than 50% of their remaining Core requirements via Ashland University coursework. A student is “matriculated” beginning on the first day of the first semester of the student’s enrollment in an Ashland University program.

Online Undergraduate Transfer Students

Transfer students are defined as those who attended another institution of higher education after high school graduation. Post-secondary student credit transfer will be applied to the student academic record based on standard course equivalencies. CLEP, AP, and military credits will be applied to the student academic record based on university guidelines.

  1. Liberal arts equivalencies are subject to preliminary comprehensive review by the Core Director and the Registrar, in conjunction with primary discipline chairs and representatives. These may be redistributed as general core credits in select transfer cases. These cases are limited to transitional students admitted uniquely in online programs who have transfer credits beyond the requirements of the institutional undergraduate core curriculum, the student’s desired major, and any bachelor’s degree electives.

  2. All undesignated liberal arts transfer credits should meet the established Student Learning Outcomes for the area of the core with which they correspond.

  3. For those unique students who meet the criteria spelled out in this recommendation, and who have undesignated core equivalencies being applied to the core, are required to complete both Composition requirements, 3 hours in Communication, 3 hours of Religion, 3 hours of Historical reasoning, 3 hours in CCI, 3 hours in Math/Logic and a minimum of 3 hours each in Humanities, Aesthetics, Social Science and Natural Science. An additional 3 hours must be completed within one of these four areas as well. Up to 9 credits from undesignated equivalencies will then be used to reach 45 credit hours. If less than 9 credits are being applied then the student would complete additional courses within the Humanities, Aesthetics, and Social Science and Natural Science areas as required.

  4. All matriculated undergraduate students must complete more than 50% of their remaining Core requirements via Ashland University coursework. A student is “matriculated” beginning on the first day of the first semester of the student’s enrollment in an Ashland University program.

Current Students

  1. All matriculated undergraduate students must complete more than 50% of their remaining Core requirements via Ashland University coursework. A student is “matriculated” beginning on the first day of the first semester of the student’s enrollment in an Ashland University program.

  2. Students must fill out a transient student form in advance of taking a course for an evaluation of the transfer course credit.

 NOTE:  Where articulation agreements have been signed with other institutions, university officials will strive whenever possible to recommend courses in keeping with the spirit of AU‘s Core Curriculum.

Institutional Baccalaureate Degree Requirements

Institutional Baccalaureate Degree Requirements include: a Core Curriculum of 45 hours.



Communication Course


Critical Cultural Inquiry (CCI) 


Math/Logic course


Religion course


Historical Reasoning course




Natural Science




Social Sciences




45 hours

Students fulfilling the CCI requirement through the study abroad option may not have hours recorded in the CCI category.

Institutional Associate of Arts Degree Requirements

Institutional Associate of Arts Degree Requirements include: a Core Curriculum of 36 hours.

The Associate of Arts degree is designed for those students who are entering careers which do not require four years of college. Ashland University offers an associate degree with concentrations in General Studies (see note below); Art (see Art); Business (see Business); and Criminal Justice (see Criminal Justice). The associate degree includes the following core requirements:



Communication Course


Composition I


Composition II


Math/Logic course


Religion course


Aesthetics course


Humanities course


Natural Science course


Social Sciences course


Historical Reasoning course


Critical Cultural Inquiry (CCI)


Core Elective


36 hrs

Students fulfilling the CCI requirement through the study abroad option may not have hours recorded in the CCI category.

NOTE: For the Associate Degree with a concentration in General Studies, the student chooses the electives of interest to make up the 36 hours above. For specific programs, see the alphabetical listing for that subject.

See List of Approved Core Courses.