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Master of Business Administration

Master of Business Administration Specializations

As part of their elective courses, students may select courses from a designated list to earn a specialization in one or more of the following areas: Accounting, Business Analytics, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Financial Management, Global Management, Health Care Management and Leadership, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems, Management Science (STEM), Project Management, Sport Management, and Supply Chain Management.

Customized Specializations

Because today's corporate setting is dynamic, a student may also propose a customized specialization consisting of nine hours of related elective course work, including special topics courses. Students proposing a customized specialization must obtain approval from a faulty mentor and the chair of the MBA program.

1 Year International MBA Program:

Students with an interest in earning an MBA within a one-year time frame while traveling the world on two international study tours are encouraged to apply to the 1 Year International MBA Program. The first study tour is designed to be an introduction to the global business environment. The second study tour focuses on applying the knowledge and concepts learned in the classroom to real-world businesses.

Courses are administered at the Cleveland MBA Center or Columbus MBA Center. Classes are held on Saturdays only to accommodate students who work during the week. The Cleveland MBA Center offers a Supply Chain Management specialization while the Columbus MBA Center offers a Finance specialization. The 1 Year International MBA Program has an all-inclusive tuition & financial aid is available. For more information, please contact the MBA Programs Office.

1 Year MBA Online Options:

Students with an interest in earning an MBA within a one year time frame who need the flexibility of an online program are encouraged to apply to the 1 Year Online MBA Program. The curriculum is structured into a series of 30 credit hours, delivered over 6 sessions. This program is 100% online and students are able to study anywhere and anytime with the Verizon® MiFi Hotspot, included in tuition.

Students can choose to specialize in any of the MBA Specialization options, with the exception of Accounting. Accounting electives are not offered in a 100% online format:

Students specializing in Project Management will experience a pre-paid Project Management Professional (PMP®) exam fee. For those students specializing in Sport Management, they may choose an international study tour or internship for their fourth elective and the tour is included with tuition. The 1 Year Online MBA Program is an all-inclusive tuition & financial aid is available. For more information, please contact the MBA Programs Office.

Summary of MBA Specializations

Accounting (Available Hybrid)

Required Undergraduate Course Prerequisites:

Intermediate Accounting I and II, and Cost Accounting

Required Core Prerequisite: MBA 511 (Managerial Accounting)

ACCT 514 Accounting Special Topics

ACCT 535 Fund and Non-Profit Accounting

ACCT 540 Advanced Accounting

Business Analytics (Available Online)

MBA 545 Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

MBA 546 Business Analytics 1

MBA 548 Analytical Modeling for Decision-Making

Digital Marketing

MBA 525 Digital Marketing

MBA 526 Social Media Marketing

MBA 527 Mobile Marketing

Entrepreneurship (Available Online)

Required Course: MBA 540 Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship

Choose two from the following:

MBA 541 Business Info. Systems for the Small Business

MBA 542 Business Tax Planning

MBA 544 Small Business Management

Financial Management (Available Online)

Recommended prerequisite:

MBA 505 Financial Management

Required Course:

MBA 560 Investments

Choose two from the following:

MBA 561 Emerging Financial Markets

MBA 562 Global Finance

MBA 564 MBA Financial Markets Tour

Global Management (Available Online)

Recommended prerequisite:

MBA 509 International Business Management

Required Course:

MBA 567 Multinational Management

Choose two from the following:

MBA 561 Emerging Financial Markets

MBA 562 Global Finance

MBA 568 International Business Study Tour

Health Care Management and Leadership (Available Virtual)

MBA 575 The Health Care Organization

MBA 577 Managing the Health Care Organization

MBA 579 Improving the Health Care Organization

Human Resource Management (Available Online)

Recommended prerequisite:

MBA 510 Organizational Behavior

Required Course:

MBA 550 Fundamentals of Human Resource Mgmt.

Choose two from the following:

MBA 551 Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining

MBA 552 Training and Development

MBA 553 Compensation and Benefits

Management Information Systems (Available Online)

MBA 513 Management Information Systems

MBA 535 Systems Analysis and Design

MBA 545 Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

Management Science-STEM (Available Online)

Required Courses:

MBA 546 Business Analytics I

MBA 547 Business Analytics II

Choose two from the following:

MBA 502 Managerial Economics

MBA 545 Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

MBA 548 Analytical Modeling for Decision Making

MBA 576 Six Sigma

Project Management (Available Online)

MBA 530 Foundations of Project Mgmt.

MBA 531 Increasing Organizational Capacity In Project Mgmt.

MBA 533 Adv. Topics in Communications for Project. Managers

Sport Management (Available Online)

SMG 572 Sport Management

SMG 574 Social & Ethical Issues in Sport

SMG 580 Sport Marketing & Promotion

Supply Chain Management (Available Online)

MBA 570 Supply Chain Management

MBA 571 Logistics and Procurement

MBA 572 Supply Chain Strategy

Master of Business Administration Capstone Course

Phase IV: Capstone (3 Hours)

The capstone course (MBA 517 Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis) must be taken by all students. The capstone course may be taken at any time upon completion of 24 hours of course work in the Business Core (Phase II and Phase III). The Capstone course provides a semester-long integrated experience requiring the student to synthesize the knowledge and skills acquired earlier in the MBA program.

Courses and Descriptions

See ACCT Courses

See MBA Courses

See SMG Courses