Bachelor's Plus Program: Multi-Age Licensure (PreK-12)
Course Number and Title | Hrs. | Prerequisites |
Required Education Courses |
EDFN 586 Effective Instruction | 3 | |
EDFN 512 Teaching & Learning Process | 3 | |
EDCI 505 Instructional Design & Educational Tech for Teaming | 3 | EDFN 586 & EDFN 512 |
EDIS 546 Intro. to Education Interventions | 3 | None |
EDCI 561 Content Area Literacy/ READ 550 Content Area Reading** | 3 | None |
Take applicable method prior to or concurrent with EDFN 587. All must have 586 prior. | 3-9 |
Art 221 and Art 432 | (6) |
MUSIC 204, 395, & 396 | (9) |
Foreign Language: FL 637 | (3) |
EDFN 587 Multicultural Field Experience | 3 | EDFN 586 |
EDFN 588 Assess., Instruction, Evaluation, & Intervention Field Experience | 3 | EDFN 586 |
EDFN 520 Social & Professional Issues in Education | 2 | Concurrent enrollment with Internship |
Internship: |
EDCI 607 Internship for Multi-Age PreK-12 | 10 | |
Professional Course: Undergraduate |
PSYC 218 Adolescent Psychology | 3 | None |
Total Hours | 39-45 hrs. |
Plus the content of the teaching field
**Meets Reading requirements for Ohio Standards
Music Concentration
Course Number and Title | Hrs. | Prerequisites |
MUSIC 010 University Band | 7 | None |
OR |
MUSIC 022 University Choir | (7) | Audition |
Alt. Ensembles from MUSIC 010-052* | 2 | Audition |
MUSIC 102 Recital Attend. (7 sem.) | 0 | None |
MUSIC 204 Gen. Music Methods I | 3 | MUSIC 259, EDFN 130 |
MUSIC 209 Brass Techniques | 1 | Music Major |
MUSIC 211 Class Piano I | 1 | Diagnostic Exam |
MUSIC 212 Class Piano II | 1 | MUSIC 211 |
MUSIC 213 String Techniques | 1 | Music Major |
MUSIC 216 Vocal Diction I | (1)*** | MUSIC 330 or 340 |
MUSIC 218 Woodwind Techniques | 1 | Music Major |
MUSIC 220 Percussion Techniques | 1 | Music Major |
MUSIC 227 Aural Skills I | 1 | Diagnostic Exam |
MUSIC 228 Aural Skills II | 1 | MUSIC 227 |
MUSIC 237 Fund. Of Conducting | 2 | MUSIC 259, 260 |
MUSIC 24X Secondary Applied Music (2 sem.)** | 2 | Permission |
MUSIC 259 Music Theory I | 3 | Diagnostic Exam |
MUSIC 260 Music Theory II | 3 | MUSIC 259 |
MUSIC 303 Junior Recital | 0 | MUSIC 44X |
MUSIC 311 Class Piano III | 1 | MUSIC 212 |
MUSIC 312 Class Piano IV | 1 | MUSIC 311 |
MUSIC 320 Music History I | 3 | MUSIC 150, 259, or 260 |
MUSIC 321 Music History II | 3 | MUSIC 150, 259, or 260 |
MUSIC 327 Aural Skills III | 1 | MUSIC 228 |
MUSIC 328 Aural Skills IV | 1 | MUSIC 327 |
MUSIC 34X Principal Applied Music (4 sem.) | 4 | Permission |
MUSIC 359 Music Theory III | 3 | MUSIC 260 |
MUSIC 360 Music Theory IV | 3 | MUSIC 359 |
MUSIC 381 Music History Seminar | 3 | MUSIC 150, 259, or 260 |
MUSIC 382 Advanced Conducting | 3 | MUSIC 237 |
MUSIC 395 Instrumental Methods | 3 | MUSIC 259, EDCI 230PK |
MUSIC 396 Choral Methods | 3 | MUSIC 259, EDCI 230PK |
MUSIC 44X Principal Applied Music (2 sem.) | 4 | Jury |
MUSIC 480 Arranging | 2 | MUSIC 360 |
Total Hours | 68 hrs. |
*Vocal students choose 2 hours of instrumental ensembles; instrumental students choose 2 hours of vocal ensembles.
**Vocal students must choose MUSIC 241.
*** Voice students must substitute MUSIC 216 for one of these courses: MUSIC 209, 213, 218, or 220.
Visual Arts Concentration
Course Number and Title | Hrs. | Prerequisites |
Art Foundations Sequence: | 22 |
ART 133 Color Theory | (3) | None |
ART 134 2-D Design | (3) | None |
ART 135 3-D Design | (3) | None |
ART 141 Drawing I | (3) | None |
ART 242 Drawing II | (3) | ART 141 |
ART 256 Western Art History I | (3) | None |
ART 257 Western Art History II | (3) | None |
ART 497 Senior Seminar/Exhibition | (1) | Sr. Status |
Studio Concentration (Choose One): painting, ceramics, printmaking, sculpture, illustration or digital art | 12 |
Studio Elective | 15 |
Art History Elective | 3 |
Studio or Art History Elective (Choose One): | 3 |
ART 221 Art Ed. Theories & Pract. | (3) | None |
ART 432 Secondary Methods-Art | (3) |
PHIL 318 Philosophy of Art | 3 | PHIL 104, 110 215, or Art major |
Total Hours | 58 hrs. |
Courses and Descriptions