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Master of Education in Adult Education

The graduate program in Adult Education is designed for educators, trainers and development professionals in industrial and workforce training, informal learning settings such as museums, libraries, health and wellness centers, prisons and other settings serving adult learners.  This program will provide in-depth training in program planning, identification or creation of adult-level instructional materials and methods for delivering training or education, methods to assess adult learning, and training in the use of technology to design and deliver instruction.

The Adult Education (M.Ed.) program was approved by the Ohio Board of Regents in 2014. This degree does not require field experience.


The Master of Education degree makes extensive use of integrated theoretical and field-related experiences in the major program areas of curriculum and instruction and educational administration. This approach helps the classroom teacher incorporate the works of knowledgeable practitioners and theoreticians into already existing classroom structures and instructional practices.

The Adult Education M.Ed. was approved with a separate and distinct core from the other M.Ed. programs as required by the National Standards for Graduate Programs in Adult Education/Commission of Professors of Adult Education.

Cognate Area

The cognate is an individualized specialty area of study encompassing the student's interests and needs, yet related to the major area of study, Adult Education. All students are required to complete a cognate area of study consisting of a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours. Cognates are unique to each student based on area of interest and potential research agenda.

Students may select one of the following cognates (12 credit hours):

  • Organizational Administration and Change: MBA 501 plus 3 courses from MBA 503, 505, 507, 511, or 540

  • Communication: COM 510, 520, plus 2 courses from COM 620, 640, 650, or approved COM Elective courses

  • Criminal Justice: 4 courses from CJ 430, 510, 520, 530, 540, or 660

  • Education Technology: EDCI 507, 512, 522, plus one course from EDCI 538 or 633

  • School Nurse: SNP 518, 525, 528, 680 (Note: SNP 520 substitutes for EDAE 501)

  • Seminary: BSG 5501 plus 3 courses from CHS 5500, CLD 6630, CTH 5520, MSS 5501, NTS 5511, OTS 5511, 5512, or SPF 5540

  • TESOL: EDFN 533, 646, EDCI 534, 535

  • Custom: Requires department approval

Capstone Experiences

Students in M.Ed. Programs may have two options in which to complete their degree.

Option 1: The inquiry seminar provides opportunities for students to collaborate and explore an area of interest identified by the professor.

EDUC 788 Capstone Inquiry Seminar

Prerequisites: students should have completed the Core requirements and a total of approximately 21-24 semester hours in order to begin the capstone.

The inquiry seminar is a capstone experience conducted by full-time faculty. The class is limited to 15 students and may exceed one semester. The course has a broad theme (for like-minded students to enroll); the students will normally research more specific topics within the theme. Themes might include such topics as finance, curriculum, school improvement, etc. Requirements for the seminar include readings, focused discussions, a major paper following APA style, and a public presentation. Students must apply in advance to the professor in charge. The professor determines who is included in the seminar.

Option 2: The thesis, a scholarly paper prepared on a topic that embodies research of a specific nature, enables students to explore a topic of interest.

EDUC 781 Thesis Capstone in Education

Prerequisites: Students should have completed the Core requirements and a total of approximately 21-24 semester hours in order to begin the capstone.

The thesis is a capstone experience that focuses on a topic related to the student's field. In EDUC 781, the research may be the result of a field-based action experience pertaining to a school-based improvement project.

The student must submit and defend a proposal acceptable to a committee. Upon proposal acceptance, the student develops and defends the thesis around extensive and thorough research.

 Academic Policies and Regulations

Although most major program areas follow an orderly development, the student should understand that some modifications may become necessary because of state, institutional, or student expectations.

 Master of Education in Adult Education (ME.MED.ADED)

Course Number and Title



Major Professional Courses:



EDAE 501 Methods and Materials for Adult Education



EDAE 503 History and Philosophy of Adult Education



EDAE 505 Adult Training and Development in the Workplace



EDAE 601 Program Planning in Adult Education



EDAE 603 Adult Development, Continuity and Change



Cognate Area:



Capstone (Choose One):



EDUC 788 Capstone Inquiry Seminar


Core Req., 24 hours, & signed intent form

EDUC 781 Thesis Capstone


Core Req., 21 hours, & signed intent form


30 hrs.


Courses and Descriptions

See EDAE Courses

See EDUC Courses