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Navigated to BS with a comprehensive major in Criminal Justice (Offered On-Campus and Online).

Bachelor of Science with a comprehensive major in Criminal Justice (Offered On-Campus and Online)

The declared minor or concentration area requirement can be met through the completion of an 12 - 18-hour minor from another discipline, a second major from another area, or a collection of 18 hours from another area which supports the student‘s interest. All concentration areas must be approved by the chair of the Department of Criminal Justice/Sociology or the Criminal Justice Program Director.

Course Number and Title



CJ 130 Intro to Criminal Justice



CJ 227 Corrections in the United States


CJ 130 or concurrent

CJ 242 Criminology



CJ 250 Ethics in Criminal Justice


CJ 130

CJ 266 Constitution & Criminal Procedure



CJ 270 Policing in the United States


CJ 130 or concurrent

CJ 295 Research Methods for CJ


CJ 130, CJ 242 or concurrent

Choose one:


CJ 395 Advanced Research in CJ*


CJ 242 & CJ 295

CJ 403 Field Experience*


 CJ 130 & Instructor Approval

Choose 24 Criminal Justice elective hours from the list below (at least 9 hours must be 300 level or above):



CJ 200 Crim. Investigation I


CJ 130

CJ 235 Courts and Justice


CJ 130

CJ 244 Juvenile Delinquency


CJ 130 or SOC 111

CJ 275 Gangs and Cults


CJ 130 or SOC 111

CJ 307 Victimology


CJ 130 or SOC 111

CJ 331 Topics in Criminal Justice


CJ 130

CJ/HSEC 332 Terrorism


CJ 130

CJ 344 Youth in the Justice System


CJ 244

CJ 362 Criminal Law


CJ 266

CJ 365 Correctional Admin


CJ 227

CJ 390 Data Analysis & Reporting


CJ 295

CJ 395 Advanced Research in CJ


CJ 295

CJ 403 Field Experience***


CJ 130 & Instructor Approval

CJ 415 Advanced Criminology & Profiling


CJ/SOC 242

CJ 425 Legal Use of Evidence


CJ 266

CJ/HSEC 432 Emergency Management


CJ 130

CJ 440 Criminal Justice Policy


CJ 130, CJ 242

CJ 465 Restorative Justice


CJ130, CJ227

CJ 499 Directed Research in CJ***


CJ 295 & Instructor Approval

Declared Minor or Concentration Area:**


CJ Chair or CJ Online Director approval

Total Hours

60-66 hrs.

Institutional Core Requirements:

Communication Course


Critical Cultural Inquiry (CCI) 


Math/Logic course


Religion course


Historical Reasoning course




Natural Science




Social Sciences




Total Core Hours

45 hrs.

* Credit hours used to satisfy the CJ core requirements of the major cannot be used in fulfillment of the 24 required Criminal Justice elective hours.

** The concentration requirement can be met through the completion of a 12–18 hour minor from another discipline, a second major in another area, or a collection of 18 hours from no more than two other departments that support the student’s interests. All concentrations must be approved by the chair or online director of the Department of Criminal Justice and Sociology.

***Students may take up to a combined total of 12 hours in CJ 403/499.  3 hours of CJ 403 can count towards the core requirements of the major with an additional 3 hours of CJ 403 counting towards the Criminal Justice elective hours.  Alternatively, 6 hours of CJ 499 can count towards the Criminal Justice elective hours.  An additional 6 hours of CJ 403/499 (up to a total of 12 hours) may be used to fulfill general elective requirements.

*****To earn an Bachelor's degree through Ashland University, a student must earn at least 120 hours.

Note: Courses chosen to fulfill elective courses in the Sociology minor do not count toward electives in the Criminal Justice major.

Courses and Descriptions

See List of Institutional Core Courses

See CJ Courses