School Superintendent License
Candidates must have a teaching license. To be eligible to receive the superintendent’s license, the applicant must have worked for three (3) years as a school administrator under a principal or administrative specialist license.
Post Master's Degree Courses for Licensure as a School Superintendent:
Course Number and Title | Hrs. | Prerequisites |
EDAD 691 The Superintendency | 3 | None |
EDAD 693 School Finance | 3 | None |
EDAD 694 Org. Mgt. Sem. & Intern. For Superintendents | 3 | None |
EDAD 698 Personnel & Resource Mgt | 3 | None |
EDAD 699 Special Topics & Projects: Emerging Issues in Education | 1 | None |
Total Hours | 13 hrs. |
NOTE: Superintendent License candidates must successfully complete a comprehensive exam created by the faculty of the Department of Advanced Programs.
Courses and Descriptions